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November 2020 RAMS Meeting Minutes

The Secretary/Treasurer was unable to attend the November Meeting and the President was kind enough to take the meeting notes for him, so this month’s by line goes to: Art Manchester IV.  Art’s notes are in Blue. Thank you Art! 



RAMS Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2020






5 Bikes 9 People

Call to Order at 1;04 pm




  1. We have no new members for this month.


  1. We have 73 new and returning members for 2020.


  1. Guest introductions? Larry Allen


  1. Thanks to Meeting Host: Paul Rhodes who did a great job choosing a suitable location, Giving clear concise and technically accurate directions. The balloons were as effective as air race pylons. Awesome!



New Business


  1. No new business that the Secretary/Treasurer is aware of.



RAMS Rally Update


  1. 2021 RAMS Rally? Option A

The decision on what we want to do for the 2021 Edition of the RAMS Rally needs to be discussed and possibly decided.  We will need to let the PCRV Owners know what our plans are in January when we meet with them to negotiate a new contract for the Rally Services.  Options carried forward from the October Meeting Discussions are:

  1. Simple “no frills” Campout for the RAMS with other Clubs notified and invited to attend. This would have no fee, no awards, no meals, no pins.  Each camper would be responsible for their own campsite, firewood, and food.  Site could be anywhere the RAMS want it to be.  Likely would have 20 to 30 attendees.
  2. Small rally format. This would have a central location for the attendees to sign in and the RAMS would collect the camping fees for the sites for the Campground.  There could be a coffee pot and maybe the RAMS would provide firewood.  Fees would be set to cover the charge for two nights camping.  No big tent, no awards, no meals.  PCRV would be the likely location although it could be done anywhere the membership desired.  This would likely resemble the Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally or the Wilderness Rally and would need a “sponsor” willing to set it up. Projected to draw 30 to 40 attendees.
  3. Continue as we are currently doing with a new contract with PCRV’s new owners. This would require the commitment of some additional manpower from the RAMS as many of the current RAMS Rally staff are getting a little burnt out. Projected to draw 30 to 40 attendees.
  4. Do we want to “pause” the RAMS Rally for a year (or more) and then start it up again in some format?


After a discussion we came to an agreement that a Simple “no frills” Campout AKA “the unrally” would be preferred.  This meeting’s attendees were all fairly new to the club and were united in their desire for a hotel option.  Haavi Morriem may have the answer with a Pickwick option that offers a hotel and camping options.





VP Corner

  1. Issues that the VP wishes to bring up. (none,….moving along)



Old Business.

  1. If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
  2. If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please get with Spencer.




For the Good of the Club


  1. Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules.


  1. It is time to consider throwing your hat in the ring for the 2021 RAMS Officers Elections. Please consider serving in one of the three officer positions.  The incumbents will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about the duties of their position.


  1. Note on the 2021 Officers Election. We need to have a President and Vice-President for the RAMS to operate as they should.  The current Secretary/Treasurer will be continuing in that position (if approved at the January Meeting) but it would be difficult for one person to run the organization.


  1. 2021 Dues are due on January 1, 2021 but may be paid at this time either by Cash to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website.


  1. The December 2020 RAMS Meeting will be held on December 12, 2020 :


This is usually the RAMS Christmas Party but nothing is usual this year.


Social time will be at 1230 and the meeting will be at 1 pm unless it is decided to have a Christmas Party in which case the Host will set the times.


         I think it would be prudent to do the December Meeting via Zoom.


Rosey will set up the Zoom Meeting for December 12.  Please watch your email for the link.


  1. We need a host/location for the January RAMS Meeting or a decision to do it via Zoom.

         The January Meeting will be in Cordova, TN at the Rock’n Dough Pizza & Brewery.  The address is:

          1769 North Germantown Parkway. 

         Cordova, TN 38016

          Your hosts will be the Manchester Family.  Lunch at 1200 and meeting at 1 pm.


  1. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix.  Send the information to:


Treasurer's report:

  1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7590.35
  2. Petty cash = $ 50.00
  3. Expenses this month:

Zoom = $16.04

Pavilion for Nov. Meeting = $57.07


Move to adjourn: Haavi Morriem


Second:   Paul Rhodes                                               


 Vote: Unanimous