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March 2022 Meeting Minutes

RAMS March Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2022

Call to Order at 1:00 pm by RAMS President Greg LieVan at Central Bar-B-Que on Summer Ave. in Memphis, TN.

There were 15 RAMS, and 0 motorcycles present for the Meeting.


  1. We have no new members for this month.
  2. We have 46 new and returning members for 2022.
  3. We had no guests this month:
  4. Thanks to Meeting Host: Greg LieVan


New Business

  1. Donuts at the Dealer will start up on March 26, 2022 at Performance Plus.


 RAMS Campout Update

  1. No updates on the RAMS Fall Campout for this month.  Still waiting for the Campground to re-open in March.



VP Corner

  1. There will be an "Dual Sports Event" at Tellico Plains, TN on March 3 - April 3, 2022 and Jimmy invited all of the GS owners to meet him there.  Go to the March Moto Madness web site for full information.


Old Business.

  1. If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
  2. If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please get with Spencer.



For the Good of the Club

  1. Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules.  Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled due to State or local Covid situation.
  2. Long time RAMS Member Mike Pandolf is getting Married on May 14, 2022.  will forward details as they become available.
  3. 2022 Dues are $25.00 and were due on January 1, 2022. They may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website.
  4. The Reelfoot Ride to Eat will be held on April 2, 2022.  The meal will be at Boyette's Dining Room, 10 Boyette Rd, Tiptonville, TN 38079 and the y open at 1100.  Robert Rehkopf has two "Eagles Tours" planned, one at 9 am and one at 2 pm.  Their will likely be an organized ride from Memphis so watch your email.
  5. We still need Meeting hosts/Locations for May, June, July, October, and December 2022.
  6. The April RAMS Meeting will be held on April 9, 2022 at the Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally and Tax Revolt, which is early this year due to Easter falling on the usual April 15 Weekend.   Location is:


Village Creek State Park

201 Co Rd 754

Wynne, AR 72396

Your Hosts: Spencer & Rose-Anne Bennett


Campsites 10 and 11 have been reserved for Friday and Saturday Night.  Three tents per site and after 10 & 11 are full it will be your job to pay for the next site. Early arrivals (Thursday) are welcome as well. These sites are in the first loop when riding through the park.

Lunch will be provided on Saturday, beginning at 1200, with the meeting to follow.

This is a camping meeting so make plans to start your camping/riding season with us.  A pancake breakfast will be provided for campers on Saturday morning and there is a community potluck meal on Saturday night with this year’s featured ingredient being Cheese.


7. Donuts at the Dealer will try to start up again on March 26, 2022'

8. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting                   agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix.  Send the information to:




Treasurer's report:

  1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $6711.94
  2. Petty Cash = $50.00
  3. No expenses this month:

Door prizes (BMW T Shirts) were generously provided by Performance Plus for this meeting and the winners were: Tim Reginold, Sam Whitworth, and Marshall Robilio.



Move to adjourn:  Paul Whitworth

Second: Greg LieVan

Vote: Unanimous