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March 2021 Meeting Minutes

RAMS March Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2021


Call to Order at 1:00 pm by RAMS President Greg LieVan.

There were 14 RAMS on-line for the March ZOOM Meeting.

  1. We have two new members for this month.

Mark & Debbie Jones who live in Dyersburg, TN and ride an R1100 RT and an R100 RS.

Frank & Kate Brunetti who live in Morris Chapel, TN and ride an R1200 RT and an R60/5.

2.  We have 57 new and returning members for 2021.

3.  Guest introductions? No Guests this month.

4.  Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett



New Business


  1. RAMS Hospitality Tent for the 2021 MOA National Rally in Great Falls, MT has been ordered.  Final cost has not been established but will be under $400.00.


2.  The head count for RAMS Attending the 2021 MOA National in Great Falls has been submitted to the Chartered Club Camping Chair.


3.  The RA will be offering Chartered Club Camping at the RA National Rally in Waynesville, NC.  Current dates are August 12-15, 2021.  The Web Master will be               sending out a survey to get a head count for the Chartered Club Camping Chair to assist in space allocation.



4.  At the February meeting, there was a request from the Vice President, Jimmie Smith, to consider a different meeting time or date for the ZOOM Meetings in                the hope of attracting more participation from the members.  The RAMS IT Department (Rose-Anne Bennett) put out a survey via Survey Monkey and the                    response was limited but seemed to favor a Monday at 6 pm meeting time.  After significant discussion it was decided to continue the survey until the end of                February and then revisit this issue at the March Meeting.  The survey results were tabulated by the IT Department and the preferred Meeting Day was                          Saturday and the preferred time was 1 pm.


 Rally News

The Secretary, Spencer Bennett, followed up with the Parkers Crossroads RV Park about the 2021 RAMS Rally decision and had a discussion with the about next year and beyond.  The new owners feel that there will definitely have to be a price adjustment for ongoing years.  Based on the numbers from previous years they said there was just no way that they could make any money on this event and were not sure that our Rally was worth the effort it would take on their part.  This will need to be a consideration for the serving RAMS Officers when, and if, the RAMS Rally is restarted.

VP Corner

  1. VP Jimmie Smith asked about moving the April RAMS Meeting from the planned date of April 10 to April 17 so it would coincide with the Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally and provide an opportunity for a RAMS Ride as well as affording camping to those who wish to overnight.  After a good deal of discussion Steve Clark made a motion that the April Meeting be moved to April 17, 2021 and that it be held at the Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally in Wynne, AR.  Sam Whitworth seconded the motion and it was approved by a majority vote (10 to 4).  The VP will be leading a ride to this meeting so watch your email for details on meeting place and time.


Old Business.

  1. If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.


2.If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please get with Spencer.


For the Good of the Club


  1. Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules.  Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled due to State or local Covid situations.


        2.  2021 Dues were due on January 1, 2021 and may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the                             RAMS Website.


3.  The April 2021 RAMS Meeting will be held on April 17, 2021:

             The location is:

The Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally

Village Creek State Park Campsites 10 & 11

201 Co Rd 754

Wynne, AR 72396

Tel: (870) 238-9406

Lunch will be at 1200 and the meeting will be at 1 pm.  Your hosts are working on the best way to feed the group and feel that they can put a lunch plan                          together that will work without endangering anyone, so plan on eating at the Rally and there will be an email notification if anything changes.

Your Hosts are: Spencer and Rose-Anne Bennett



            A little information on the Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally and Village Creek State Park:


The Doo-Dah is a Friday and Saturday camp out with each person responsible for their own provisions. At this time there are  plans for an organized lunch.                 Campsites 10 & 11 have been reserved as a socially distanced gathering area. The park is limiting camp site occupancy to two tents at this time so find a                           buddy and get your site reserved. (Tel, (870) 238-9406)   Village Creek State Park is about 60 miles from Memphis and has some very good riding in the                       local area, thanks to Crowley’s Ridge.  Date is April 16/17, 2021.  Weather should be good enough to make this a fun weekend.  As always, Day Trippers are                   welcome.  Contact Spencer or Rose-Anne Bennett if you have any questions.


4.  The President reported that there was some success in the former member calling campaign and we have had two former RAMS send their dues in, with                        others saying they are going to consider it.  Thanks go out to Fred Bradly and Jimmie Smith for making this effort to reach out to re-recruit these former                        RAMS.


5.  If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be                           added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix.  Send the information to:                       



Treasurer's report:

  1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7410.27
  2. Petty cash = $ 50.00
  3. Expenses this month:

Zoom = $16.04


Move to adjourn:  Paul Whitworth

Second:   Greg LieVan

Vote: Unanimous