July 2020 RAMS Meeting Minutes
Quote from Spencer Bennett on July 11, 2020, 8:30 pmJuly 2020 Meeting Minutes
Spencer BennettThe meeting was called to order by President Art Manchester IV on July 11, 2020 at 1:13 pm via the Zoom Conferencing Web Application. There were 19 RAMS and many motorcycles present (at the various members homes). Mike Pandolf was the only RAMS Member to ride his motorcycle to and during the meeting.
Call to order:
1. We have no new members for this month.
2. We currently have 71 new and returning members for 2020.
3. There were no guests for the meeting.
4. Donut Volunteers are still needed for 2020. Greg LieVan reported that Performance Plus is ready to restart the Saturday Donuts and Coffee. The President will check in with them to set it up for July 25. An email will be sent with details.
5. Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett who choreographed the web set up.
New Business:
1. The Shaft.
The subject of the Shaft Editor position and what was to become of the newsletter was brought to the floor by the President.
The potential options presented were:
Stop publication
Continue publication with a new Editor
Move to an on-line Forum
The Stop publication option was discussed and led to Haavi Morriem suggesting that perhaps the RAMS just needed to go to email communications with all minutes, ride reports, sale items, and information being sent out as group emails by the individual members. There was also a suggestion from Greg LieVan and Donna Clark that Facebook might be the best location to use for the transfer of information. These ideas were discussed and some folks had issues with Facebook. The email suggestion was held open for the time being.
Continuing as we presently are was discussed but it was felt that it was just too much work to produce the newsletter as is, and we would never get anyone willing to take it on as a long term obligation. Paul Whitworth pointed out that this was one of the issues with getting someone to serve as Vice-President. This option was more or less tabled at this point.
Rose-Anne Bennett stated that she felt the best solution was to move to an on-line Forum where the Shaft on line edition could be produced by the members on a continuing basis. There would be separate sections for the current various areas of the Shaft such as Meeting Minutes, Ride Reports, For Sale, etc. Information for any of these sections could be entered by any RAMS member at any time from almost any on-line device. She had prepared an example of the finished product and did a demonstration of how it would work and how one would go about using it. This would also allow for the archiving of the information in a central controlled location for future reference or reuse. which we have with the current system but would be iffy with either the email or Facebook options. After the demonstration, there was a Q&A period with Robert Rehkopf wanting to know about the possibility of setting up a Digest for the information to go to RAMS emails. This will not be possible with the Forum program planned to be used, although RAMS members will receive an email when something is posted in the Shaft on line edition. At this point a motion was made and seconded that the on-line Forum be the home for the Shaft and was passed by a unanimous vote.
The Shaft on-line will be published continuously beginning with the July Edition. It will be housed on the RAMS web-site under the Forum button and you will need to register to be able to post on it.
RAMS Rally Update:
1. Paul Rhodes/ Steve Clark are Rally Co-Chairs for 2020. Steve was present at the meeting and spoke for the Co-Chairs.
2. The subject of cancelling the 2020 RAMS Rally was brought up due to the increasing issues of Covid 19 cases in Tennessee and neighboring states. The question of potential financial liability for cancelling was asked and the Secretary/Treasurer reported that he had discussed this with the Parkers Crossroads RV Park owners and they said that there would be no financial liability if the Rally were cancelled on or before September 1, 2020.
Steve Clark then pointed out that this meant we needed to make a decision at the August Meeting. He suggested that we go ahead and discuss the cancellation issue and come to a go or no go decision as we have not yet spent any money on insurance, awards, or Door Prize mailings. After a significant amount of discussion, Marshall Robilio made a motion that the 2020 RAMS Rally be cancelled until 2021. Steve Clark seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Greg LieVan suggested that he send a letter to the normal Door Prize Donors List thanking them for their support in the past and stating that we were cancelling this year due the Covid 19 Pandemic but will be back nest year. The Rally Co-Chair, Steve Clark, stated that he thought that was an excellent idea and Greg will take care of it.
3. The Secretary/Treasurer will make refunds to all who pre-registered.
4. The Secretary/Treasurer reported that the owners of PCRV Park had told him that they were in discussions to sell the property. They have no firm dates as of this point but will keep him in the loop so we can go and meet the new owners if and when they show up.
VP’s Corner:
1. Paul Whitworth suggested that the members get out and ride if they can, either alone or in small groups.
Old Business:
1. If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see
Spencer or Rosey.2. If you would like a RAMS patch (old logo only), decal (old and new logos) or need business cards please get with Spencer.
For the Good of the Club:
1. Check RAMS website for rally schedules for other Club’s Rallies. Please note
that many of the scheduled Rallies (including the MOA National) have been
cancelled or rescheduled so please double check to be sure an event is still
going on before you head out.2. Jeremy Blankenship suggested that RAMS Campout, perhaps at Natchez Trace State Park might be a good idea once we are comfortable with getting out a little more. This would allow some fellowship on a limited basis. Marshall Robilio thought it might be good to hold a campout at PCRV as well, and several other RAMS agreed. This would be a very low key, non organized event on the Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally. Watch this space to see developments.
3. RAMS Meeting hosts are needed for October 2020.
4. The August Meeting will be held on August 8, 2020 at 1 pm:
The August Meeting will be an online Zoom Meeting. Watch your e-mail for updates. The
meeting will begin at 1 pm or as close to that as we can get everyone ready.5. If you have an item you would like to see in the next meeting agenda, please get it to the
Secretary by Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting
agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the
mix. Send the information to: officers@bmwrams.comTreasurer’s Report:
1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7351.59
2. Petty Cash = $50.00
3. No unusual expenses for this month.
Movement to adjourn: Haavi Morriem/Paul Whitworth
Second: Ranger Cook
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn
July 2020 Meeting Minutes
Spencer Bennett
The meeting was called to order by President Art Manchester IV on July 11, 2020 at 1:13 pm via the Zoom Conferencing Web Application. There were 19 RAMS and many motorcycles present (at the various members homes). Mike Pandolf was the only RAMS Member to ride his motorcycle to and during the meeting.
Call to order:
1. We have no new members for this month.
2. We currently have 71 new and returning members for 2020.
3. There were no guests for the meeting.
4. Donut Volunteers are still needed for 2020. Greg LieVan reported that Performance Plus is ready to restart the Saturday Donuts and Coffee. The President will check in with them to set it up for July 25. An email will be sent with details.
5. Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett who choreographed the web set up.
New Business:
1. The Shaft.
The subject of the Shaft Editor position and what was to become of the newsletter was brought to the floor by the President.
The potential options presented were:
Stop publication
Continue publication with a new Editor
Move to an on-line Forum
The Stop publication option was discussed and led to Haavi Morriem suggesting that perhaps the RAMS just needed to go to email communications with all minutes, ride reports, sale items, and information being sent out as group emails by the individual members. There was also a suggestion from Greg LieVan and Donna Clark that Facebook might be the best location to use for the transfer of information. These ideas were discussed and some folks had issues with Facebook. The email suggestion was held open for the time being.
Continuing as we presently are was discussed but it was felt that it was just too much work to produce the newsletter as is, and we would never get anyone willing to take it on as a long term obligation. Paul Whitworth pointed out that this was one of the issues with getting someone to serve as Vice-President. This option was more or less tabled at this point.
Rose-Anne Bennett stated that she felt the best solution was to move to an on-line Forum where the Shaft on line edition could be produced by the members on a continuing basis. There would be separate sections for the current various areas of the Shaft such as Meeting Minutes, Ride Reports, For Sale, etc. Information for any of these sections could be entered by any RAMS member at any time from almost any on-line device. She had prepared an example of the finished product and did a demonstration of how it would work and how one would go about using it. This would also allow for the archiving of the information in a central controlled location for future reference or reuse. which we have with the current system but would be iffy with either the email or Facebook options. After the demonstration, there was a Q&A period with Robert Rehkopf wanting to know about the possibility of setting up a Digest for the information to go to RAMS emails. This will not be possible with the Forum program planned to be used, although RAMS members will receive an email when something is posted in the Shaft on line edition. At this point a motion was made and seconded that the on-line Forum be the home for the Shaft and was passed by a unanimous vote.
The Shaft on-line will be published continuously beginning with the July Edition. It will be housed on the RAMS web-site under the Forum button and you will need to register to be able to post on it.
RAMS Rally Update:
1. Paul Rhodes/ Steve Clark are Rally Co-Chairs for 2020. Steve was present at the meeting and spoke for the Co-Chairs.
2. The subject of cancelling the 2020 RAMS Rally was brought up due to the increasing issues of Covid 19 cases in Tennessee and neighboring states. The question of potential financial liability for cancelling was asked and the Secretary/Treasurer reported that he had discussed this with the Parkers Crossroads RV Park owners and they said that there would be no financial liability if the Rally were cancelled on or before September 1, 2020.
Steve Clark then pointed out that this meant we needed to make a decision at the August Meeting. He suggested that we go ahead and discuss the cancellation issue and come to a go or no go decision as we have not yet spent any money on insurance, awards, or Door Prize mailings. After a significant amount of discussion, Marshall Robilio made a motion that the 2020 RAMS Rally be cancelled until 2021. Steve Clark seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Greg LieVan suggested that he send a letter to the normal Door Prize Donors List thanking them for their support in the past and stating that we were cancelling this year due the Covid 19 Pandemic but will be back nest year. The Rally Co-Chair, Steve Clark, stated that he thought that was an excellent idea and Greg will take care of it.
3. The Secretary/Treasurer will make refunds to all who pre-registered.
4. The Secretary/Treasurer reported that the owners of PCRV Park had told him that they were in discussions to sell the property. They have no firm dates as of this point but will keep him in the loop so we can go and meet the new owners if and when they show up.
VP’s Corner:
1. Paul Whitworth suggested that the members get out and ride if they can, either alone or in small groups.
Old Business:
1. If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see
Spencer or Rosey.
2. If you would like a RAMS patch (old logo only), decal (old and new logos) or need business cards please get with Spencer.
For the Good of the Club:
1. Check RAMS website for rally schedules for other Club’s Rallies. Please note
that many of the scheduled Rallies (including the MOA National) have been
cancelled or rescheduled so please double check to be sure an event is still
going on before you head out.
2. Jeremy Blankenship suggested that RAMS Campout, perhaps at Natchez Trace State Park might be a good idea once we are comfortable with getting out a little more. This would allow some fellowship on a limited basis. Marshall Robilio thought it might be good to hold a campout at PCRV as well, and several other RAMS agreed. This would be a very low key, non organized event on the Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally. Watch this space to see developments.
3. RAMS Meeting hosts are needed for October 2020.
4. The August Meeting will be held on August 8, 2020 at 1 pm:
The August Meeting will be an online Zoom Meeting. Watch your e-mail for updates. The
meeting will begin at 1 pm or as close to that as we can get everyone ready.
5. If you have an item you would like to see in the next meeting agenda, please get it to the
Secretary by Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting
agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the
mix. Send the information to: officers@bmwrams.com
Treasurer’s Report:
1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7351.59
2. Petty Cash = $50.00
3. No unusual expenses for this month.
Movement to adjourn: Haavi Morriem/Paul Whitworth
Second: Ranger Cook
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn