February 2021 Meeting Minutes
Quote from Spencer Bennett on February 16, 2021, 11:24 amRAMS February Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2021
Call to Order at 1:00 pm by RAMS President Greg LieVan.
There were 14 RAMS on-line for the February ZOOM Meeting.
- We have no new members for this month.
- We have 42 returning members for 2021.
- Guest introductions? No Guests this month although Doreen tried to pass herself off as one.
- Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett
New Business
- The renting of a RAMS Hospitality Tent at the 2021 MOA National Rally in Great Falls, MT was approved. Secretary will take care of this once the vendor for tents is announced. Cost is expected to be about $400.00 for a 20X10 tent set up in the Chartered Club Camping area.
2. The head count for RAMS Attending the 2021 MOA National in Great Falls was judged to be 12-15 based on members at the meeting. Secretary will forward this number to the MOA Chartered Club Camping Chair for space reservation purposes.
3. The RA will be offering Chartered Club Camping at the RA National Rally in Waynesville, NC. Current dates are August 12-15, 2021. The Secretary has asked for a head count of expected attendees so he can get the reservation in and also check on getting a tent shelter rented.
4. There was a request from the Vice President, Jimmie Smith, to consider a different meeting time or date for the ZOOM Meetings in the hope of attracting more participation from the members. The RAMS IT Department (Rose-Anne Bennett) put out a survey via Survey Monkey and the response was limited but seemed to favor a Monday at 6 pm meeting time. After significant discussion it was decided to continue the survey until the end of February and then revisit this issue at the March Meeting.
Rally News
The President felt that there needed to be a greater discussion of the 2021 RAMS Rally and the effect it will have on future rally plans. There was a great deal of discussion on this matter by the membership with the following points made:
- Fred Bradley felt that the campout and the move to the Pickwick State Park area would bring more people to the campout as there are more activities in that area and better access to hotels and restaurants. He also asked what the actual purpose of the rally was, and was it essential to the survival of the RAMS? He felt that the “pay your own way” campout would work well this year and then the 2022 RAMS Rally could be discussed over next winter. He also pointed out that there are hotels rooms readily available in the Pickwick area, both at the Park Lodge and in Counce and Savannah, TN.
- Spencer Bennett gave a few remarks on the RAMS Rally history and pointed out that it had started as a RAMS Campout in 1974 and maybe that would be the best use of the time and resources of the club. He did point out that the Parkers Crossroads RV Park owners should be made aware of our plans for this year as they may be expecting us in Early October. He also pointed out that it is somewhat difficult to resume a rally if we do not keep everyone interested and “in the loop”.
- Herb Anderson stated that he felt the two year hiatus would make the rally difficult to restart due to the various support groups moving to other things. One of the things he pointed out is that there needs to be a central point for gathering, coffee, and meals to make the campout truly communal in nature.
- Haavi Morriem agreed with Herb on the central meeting spot and suggested that the RAMS rent a cabin to serve this purpose as there are rental cabins reasonably close to the campground area. This generated some discussion and I believe Haavi agreed to look into the issue of renting the cabin.
- Vice-President Jimmie Smith then asked the question: ”Do we want to spend time and personnel planning for the 2021 RAMS Rally and then very possibly having to cancel it, or do we just want to continue with the RAMS Campout on the first weekend in October?” Then he pointed out that this was agreed upon at the November Meeting and then reinforced at the December Meeting where the October 1-3, 2021 date was selected.
- After all of this discussion, it would seem that the consensus is to continue with the non-rally Campout. A good discussion allowed us to look at all of the issues involved and for everyone to have their say. Well done RAMS, and now we can look forward to the campout in October.
VP Corner
- VP wishes to encourage everyone to ride as much as you can. It is definitely a "socially distanced" activity.
2. As part of the Vice President’s discussion on rides, Haavi mentioned that Robert Rehkopf is having some health issue and suggested that we continue Robert’s ride to Boyette’s and Reelfoot Lake the first weekend in April. She will check with Robert to be sure it is OK with him and if it is, we will pursue setting it up as it will be April before we know it.
3. VP Jimmie Smith also asked that anyone who has a route or an idea for a ride get it to him and he will set it up.
Old Business.
- If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
2. If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please get with Spencer.
For the Good of the Club
- Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled due to State or local Covid situations.
2. Please remember that the Wilderness Rally, hosted by Paul Whitworth and sponsored by the RAMS, will be held on the Buffalo River in Arkansas over Mother’s Day Weekend (May 7-9, 2021). It is a beautiful location although the camping is somewhat primitive so you need to bring in whatever you need when you go there. There are stores in the immediate area but not at the Rally Site. Paul can give you the directions and you can look him up in the RAMS on-line Directory.
3. 2021 Dues were due on January 1, 2021 and may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website. Please note that past due members will be removed from the RAMS email list effective March 1, or whenever the IT Department can get the revisions run.
4. The March 2021 RAMS Meeting will be held on March 13, 2021:
This is planned to be a ZOOM Meeting as the weather and Covid situation will likely not be conducive to an outside meeting. Should the weather and Covid situation improve to the point that an in person meeting can be held, it will be communicated to the list via email. Otherwise you will receive the usual email notification with the ZOOM Link the week of the Meeting..
5. Greg LieVan still has a riding suit For Sale. It is complete with liner and is at a negotiable price. Greg’s contact information is in the RAMS On-Line Directory.
6. VP Jimmie Smith asked if we have a membership committee to follow up with previous members who have not renewed and to recruit new members. When told we did not, he volunteered to head up such and effort. Greg LieVan offered to help him and they asked the Secretary/Treasurer to see if he could get a list of previous members from the past three years with phone numbers. The Secretary/Treasurer felt that this could be done and will get such a list to them as soon as he can assemble it. Jimmie also asked about RAMS Flyers to give out at the Dealer or give to BMW Riders we encounter in the community who are not members. The Secretary/Treasurer will also look into the possibility of getting this done.
7. Herb Anderson wanted to remind anyone going to Alaska after the MOA Rally that he and Reno are right on the way and would love to see some of the RAMS stop off and visit. Herb plans to be at the MOA National and can give you directions more specific that “Ride North until it gets cold.”
8. Greg asked that we observe a moment of silence and contemplation in honor of the memory of Mrs. Jane Robilio, wife and love of long time RAMS Member Marshal.
9. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to: officers@bmwrams.com
Treasurer's report:
- Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7096.18
- Petty cash = $ 50.00
- Expenses this month:
Internet fees for last year = $755.50
Flowers for Jane Robilio Funeral = $109.90
Zoom = $16.04
Move to adjourn: Haavi Morriem
Second: Fred Bradley
Vote: Unanimous
RAMS February Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2021
Call to Order at 1:00 pm by RAMS President Greg LieVan.
There were 14 RAMS on-line for the February ZOOM Meeting.
- We have no new members for this month.
- We have 42 returning members for 2021.
- Guest introductions? No Guests this month although Doreen tried to pass herself off as one.
- Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett
New Business
- The renting of a RAMS Hospitality Tent at the 2021 MOA National Rally in Great Falls, MT was approved. Secretary will take care of this once the vendor for tents is announced. Cost is expected to be about $400.00 for a 20X10 tent set up in the Chartered Club Camping area.
2. The head count for RAMS Attending the 2021 MOA National in Great Falls was judged to be 12-15 based on members at the meeting. Secretary will forward this number to the MOA Chartered Club Camping Chair for space reservation purposes.
3. The RA will be offering Chartered Club Camping at the RA National Rally in Waynesville, NC. Current dates are August 12-15, 2021. The Secretary has asked for a head count of expected attendees so he can get the reservation in and also check on getting a tent shelter rented.
4. There was a request from the Vice President, Jimmie Smith, to consider a different meeting time or date for the ZOOM Meetings in the hope of attracting more participation from the members. The RAMS IT Department (Rose-Anne Bennett) put out a survey via Survey Monkey and the response was limited but seemed to favor a Monday at 6 pm meeting time. After significant discussion it was decided to continue the survey until the end of February and then revisit this issue at the March Meeting.
Rally News
The President felt that there needed to be a greater discussion of the 2021 RAMS Rally and the effect it will have on future rally plans. There was a great deal of discussion on this matter by the membership with the following points made:
- Fred Bradley felt that the campout and the move to the Pickwick State Park area would bring more people to the campout as there are more activities in that area and better access to hotels and restaurants. He also asked what the actual purpose of the rally was, and was it essential to the survival of the RAMS? He felt that the “pay your own way” campout would work well this year and then the 2022 RAMS Rally could be discussed over next winter. He also pointed out that there are hotels rooms readily available in the Pickwick area, both at the Park Lodge and in Counce and Savannah, TN.
- Spencer Bennett gave a few remarks on the RAMS Rally history and pointed out that it had started as a RAMS Campout in 1974 and maybe that would be the best use of the time and resources of the club. He did point out that the Parkers Crossroads RV Park owners should be made aware of our plans for this year as they may be expecting us in Early October. He also pointed out that it is somewhat difficult to resume a rally if we do not keep everyone interested and “in the loop”.
- Herb Anderson stated that he felt the two year hiatus would make the rally difficult to restart due to the various support groups moving to other things. One of the things he pointed out is that there needs to be a central point for gathering, coffee, and meals to make the campout truly communal in nature.
- Haavi Morriem agreed with Herb on the central meeting spot and suggested that the RAMS rent a cabin to serve this purpose as there are rental cabins reasonably close to the campground area. This generated some discussion and I believe Haavi agreed to look into the issue of renting the cabin.
- Vice-President Jimmie Smith then asked the question: ”Do we want to spend time and personnel planning for the 2021 RAMS Rally and then very possibly having to cancel it, or do we just want to continue with the RAMS Campout on the first weekend in October?” Then he pointed out that this was agreed upon at the November Meeting and then reinforced at the December Meeting where the October 1-3, 2021 date was selected.
- After all of this discussion, it would seem that the consensus is to continue with the non-rally Campout. A good discussion allowed us to look at all of the issues involved and for everyone to have their say. Well done RAMS, and now we can look forward to the campout in October.
VP Corner
- VP wishes to encourage everyone to ride as much as you can. It is definitely a "socially distanced" activity.
2. As part of the Vice President’s discussion on rides, Haavi mentioned that Robert Rehkopf is having some health issue and suggested that we continue Robert’s ride to Boyette’s and Reelfoot Lake the first weekend in April. She will check with Robert to be sure it is OK with him and if it is, we will pursue setting it up as it will be April before we know it.
3. VP Jimmie Smith also asked that anyone who has a route or an idea for a ride get it to him and he will set it up.
Old Business.
- If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
2. If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please get with Spencer.
For the Good of the Club
- Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled due to State or local Covid situations.
2. Please remember that the Wilderness Rally, hosted by Paul Whitworth and sponsored by the RAMS, will be held on the Buffalo River in Arkansas over Mother’s Day Weekend (May 7-9, 2021). It is a beautiful location although the camping is somewhat primitive so you need to bring in whatever you need when you go there. There are stores in the immediate area but not at the Rally Site. Paul can give you the directions and you can look him up in the RAMS on-line Directory.
3. 2021 Dues were due on January 1, 2021 and may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website. Please note that past due members will be removed from the RAMS email list effective March 1, or whenever the IT Department can get the revisions run.
4. The March 2021 RAMS Meeting will be held on March 13, 2021:
This is planned to be a ZOOM Meeting as the weather and Covid situation will likely not be conducive to an outside meeting. Should the weather and Covid situation improve to the point that an in person meeting can be held, it will be communicated to the list via email. Otherwise you will receive the usual email notification with the ZOOM Link the week of the Meeting..
5. Greg LieVan still has a riding suit For Sale. It is complete with liner and is at a negotiable price. Greg’s contact information is in the RAMS On-Line Directory.
6. VP Jimmie Smith asked if we have a membership committee to follow up with previous members who have not renewed and to recruit new members. When told we did not, he volunteered to head up such and effort. Greg LieVan offered to help him and they asked the Secretary/Treasurer to see if he could get a list of previous members from the past three years with phone numbers. The Secretary/Treasurer felt that this could be done and will get such a list to them as soon as he can assemble it. Jimmie also asked about RAMS Flyers to give out at the Dealer or give to BMW Riders we encounter in the community who are not members. The Secretary/Treasurer will also look into the possibility of getting this done.
7. Herb Anderson wanted to remind anyone going to Alaska after the MOA Rally that he and Reno are right on the way and would love to see some of the RAMS stop off and visit. Herb plans to be at the MOA National and can give you directions more specific that “Ride North until it gets cold.”
8. Greg asked that we observe a moment of silence and contemplation in honor of the memory of Mrs. Jane Robilio, wife and love of long time RAMS Member Marshal.
9. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to: officers@bmwrams.com
Treasurer's report:
- Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7096.18
- Petty cash = $ 50.00
- Expenses this month:
Internet fees for last year = $755.50
Flowers for Jane Robilio Funeral = $109.90
Zoom = $16.04
Move to adjourn: Haavi Morriem
Second: Fred Bradley
Vote: Unanimous