December 2023 Meeting Minutes
Quote from Spencer Bennett on December 19, 2023, 5:04 pmDecember RAMS Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2023
Call to Order at 8:45 pm by President Greg LieVan at Haavi Morriem's home in Cordova, TN.
15 RAMS and 0 Bikes present
- We have no new members for this month.
- We have 65 new and returning members for 2023.
- We had no guests this month.
- Thanks to Meeting Host: Haavi Morriem
New Business
- 2024 RAMS Officer Nominations are now open. Please consider serving as a RAMS Officer for the coming year. Officer Duties are outlined in the RAMS Directory.
Current Nominations are:
President - Greg LieVan
Vice-President - Herb Anderson
Secretary/Treasurer - Spencer Bennett
- Tent at the RA National
The RAMS paid for a Shelter Tent at the RA National Rally in Davis, WV this past September and it was put up somewhere other than the designated RAMS Site in chartered Club Camping. We have been involved in a battle to get a refund for the rental and we currently have a provisional credit issued to our account by our bank wkile they investigate. The Secretary/Treasurer reported that it appears we have retained the credit issued by the bank.
- Club Trailer
No further discussion of the club trailer and contents at the December Meeting. Will likely make the January or February Agenda.
RAMS Activities:
- The currently scheduled RAMS Events are:
Olde Bike Club Polar Bear Ride – January 1, 2024
Departure time and location will be sent out when it is known. Usually around 0930 from Stage Road and Germantown in Bartlett but don't know for sure.
BMW Motorcycle Owners of Northeast Florida (BMWNEF)
2024 Winter Rally
Camp Weed Conference Center
11057 Camp Weed PL, Live Oak FL 32060
Martin Luther King Weekend
Friday and Saturday
January 12-13, 2024
IBA 2024 Eclipse RideApril 8, 2024
The website is: and shows the path and timing data.
The plan would be to leave Memphis on Monday morning and arrive at a location 500 miles or so away in time to see the eclipse, then return home. Robert Rehkopf has information on this.
Anything else you may want to schedule.
VP Corner
The current VP, Paul Whitworth is still not running for re-election.
Old Business.
- If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
- If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please see Spencer.
For the Good of the Club
- Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled.
- 2024 Dues are $25.00 and are due on January 1, 2024. They may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website. Your 2024 Dues must be paid to vote in January Officer Election.
- We need Meeting Hosts and Locations for next year.
April – Spencer & Rosey Bennett
August – Art & Crystal Manchester
September – Clark Family (?)
November – Paul Rhodes
December - Haavi Morriem
- The January RAMS Meeting will be held on January 13, 2024. Location is:
To be determined:
This will be the RAMS 2024 Officer Election Meeting and you really should try to make if dfor no other reason than to insure that you are not nominated for an office.
5. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to:
Treasurer's report:
- Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $5121.96
- Petty Cash = $50.00
- Expenses this month:
Award for Marshall Robilio = $40.66
Move to adjourn: John McWhorter
Second: Steve Clark
Vote: Unaninimous
December RAMS Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2023
Call to Order at 8:45 pm by President Greg LieVan at Haavi Morriem's home in Cordova, TN.
15 RAMS and 0 Bikes present
- We have no new members for this month.
- We have 65 new and returning members for 2023.
- We had no guests this month.
- Thanks to Meeting Host: Haavi Morriem
New Business
- 2024 RAMS Officer Nominations are now open. Please consider serving as a RAMS Officer for the coming year. Officer Duties are outlined in the RAMS Directory.
Current Nominations are:
President - Greg LieVan
Vice-President - Herb Anderson
Secretary/Treasurer - Spencer Bennett
- Tent at the RA National
The RAMS paid for a Shelter Tent at the RA National Rally in Davis, WV this past September and it was put up somewhere other than the designated RAMS Site in chartered Club Camping. We have been involved in a battle to get a refund for the rental and we currently have a provisional credit issued to our account by our bank wkile they investigate. The Secretary/Treasurer reported that it appears we have retained the credit issued by the bank.
- Club Trailer
No further discussion of the club trailer and contents at the December Meeting. Will likely make the January or February Agenda.
RAMS Activities:
- The currently scheduled RAMS Events are:
Olde Bike Club Polar Bear Ride – January 1, 2024
Departure time and location will be sent out when it is known. Usually around 0930 from Stage Road and Germantown in Bartlett but don't know for sure.
BMW Motorcycle Owners of Northeast Florida (BMWNEF)
2024 Winter Rally
Camp Weed Conference Center
11057 Camp Weed PL, Live Oak FL 32060
Martin Luther King Weekend
Friday and Saturday
January 12-13, 2024
IBA 2024 Eclipse RideApril 8, 2024
The website is: and shows the path and timing data.
The plan would be to leave Memphis on Monday morning and arrive at a location 500 miles or so away in time to see the eclipse, then return home. Robert Rehkopf has information on this.
Anything else you may want to schedule.
VP Corner
The current VP, Paul Whitworth is still not running for re-election.
Old Business.
- If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
- If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please see Spencer.
For the Good of the Club
- Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled.
- 2024 Dues are $25.00 and are due on January 1, 2024. They may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website. Your 2024 Dues must be paid to vote in January Officer Election.
- We need Meeting Hosts and Locations for next year.
April – Spencer & Rosey Bennett
August – Art & Crystal Manchester
September – Clark Family (?)
November – Paul Rhodes
December - Haavi Morriem
- The January RAMS Meeting will be held on January 13, 2024. Location is:
To be determined:
This will be the RAMS 2024 Officer Election Meeting and you really should try to make if dfor no other reason than to insure that you are not nominated for an office.
5. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to:
Treasurer's report:
- Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $5121.96
- Petty Cash = $50.00
- Expenses this month:
Award for Marshall Robilio = $40.66
Move to adjourn: John McWhorter
Second: Steve Clark
Vote: Unaninimous