December 2020 Meeting Minutes
Quote from Spencer Bennett on December 15, 2020, 11:38 amRAMS Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2020
Call to Order at 1;04 pm
There were 20 RAMS and 1 motorcycle (Thanks Mike Pandolf) on line for the December ZOOM Meeting.
- We have no new members for this month.
- We have 73 new and returning members for 2020.
- Guest introductions? No Guests this month.
- Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett The President also thanked her for setting up the "Virtual Campfires" that have been done throughout this year of the Pandemic.
New Business
- No new business that the Secretary/Treasurer is aware of.
RAMS Rally Update
- 2021 RAMS Rally. The selection made at the November Meeting and reinforced in December is for the "simple no frills campout" for the RAMS with other Clubs notified and invited to attend. This would have no fee, no awards, no meals, no pins. Each camper would be responsible for their own campsite, firewood, and food. There will be no advertising in the National BMW Magazines (Owners News and On The Level) but all RAMS are welcome to use "word of mouth" to advertise it at other rallies they attend.
- Haavi Morriem reported that she had checked with the Pickwick Lake State Park and they are set up to handle all the required options (ie: camping at their campground, RV setups at the same campground, hotel accommodations at the Pickwick Lodge, and cabin rentals) so it looks like an ideal site. The RAMS present at the meeting decided that this would be the best location for the 2021 RAMS Event.
- Those wishing to make reservations at the Lodge can contact Mary J. Mills or Diana Barker at 731-689-3135. Room Rates are $140.00 per night. Don't forget to ask for the "Geezer Rate" if applicable.
- Campground reservations (both tent and RV) may be made with whoever answers the phone at 731-689-3129. Campsites are $24.00 per night.
- The Date selected is October 1-3, 2021.
VP Corner
- VP wishes to encourage everyone to ride as much as you can. It is definitely a "socially distanced" activity.
Old Business.
- If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
- If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please get with Spencer.
For the Good of the Club
- Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. The Northeast Florida Rally (January 22-24, 2021) is still a go. It will be at a new location this year( the Camp Weed & Cervany Conference Center) which is about 5 miles from Live Oak, FL. Full information may be found at their web site (
- 2021 RAMS Officer Nominations:
President : No nominations at this time.
Vice President: Jimmy Smith - Nominated by Haavi Morriem and seconded Art Manchester.
Secretary/Treasurer: Spencer Bennett - Nominated by Art Manchester and seconded by Paul Whitworth
- Note on the 2021 Officers Election. We need to have a President and Vice-President for the RAMS to operate as they should. The current Secretary/Treasurer will be continuing in that position (if approved at the January Meeting) but it would be difficult for one person to run the organization.
- 2021 Dues are due on January 1, 2021 and may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website.
- The January 2021 RAMS Meeting will be held on January 9 2021 :
Location: Rock N Dough Pizza
1769 North Germantown Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016
Tel: 901-759-9883
This is the former location of Fox Ridge Pizza on Germantown Rd.
Lunch will be at 1200 and the meeting will be at 1 pm.
Your Hosts will be: The Manchester Family
There may be a ZOOM Meeting set up instead of or in conjunction with this meeting, depending on the Covid situation in January. If there is a ZOOM Meeting set up you will receive an email with the link.
- Butch Turner was the Winner of the RAMS Christmas Spirit Contest and a $50.00 Gift Certificate generously donated by Marvin Siano of Performance Plus BMW. Butch's winning entry was a photo of Fred Bradly in a Santa Suit on his sidecar. The Judges ruling was that the submitter wins, and Fred had another entry.
- Art Manchester reported that the Memphis in May Tri-Athlon is likely going to occur this year. It will be at Shelby Farms and the Professional Race will be on Saturday this year rather than the usual Sunday. Pam Routh and the folks at the Tri-Athlon wished the RAMS a Merry Christmas and there will be more information coming soon.
8.If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to:
Treasurer's report:
- Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7559.31
- Petty cash = $ 50.00
- Expenses this month:
Zoom = $16.04
MOA Charter Renewal = $15.00
Move to adjourn: Haavi Morriem
Second: Dave Kintzle
Vote: Unanimous
RAMS Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2020
Call to Order at 1;04 pm
There were 20 RAMS and 1 motorcycle (Thanks Mike Pandolf) on line for the December ZOOM Meeting.
- We have no new members for this month.
- We have 73 new and returning members for 2020.
- Guest introductions? No Guests this month.
- Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett The President also thanked her for setting up the "Virtual Campfires" that have been done throughout this year of the Pandemic.
New Business
- No new business that the Secretary/Treasurer is aware of.
RAMS Rally Update
- 2021 RAMS Rally. The selection made at the November Meeting and reinforced in December is for the "simple no frills campout" for the RAMS with other Clubs notified and invited to attend. This would have no fee, no awards, no meals, no pins. Each camper would be responsible for their own campsite, firewood, and food. There will be no advertising in the National BMW Magazines (Owners News and On The Level) but all RAMS are welcome to use "word of mouth" to advertise it at other rallies they attend.
- Haavi Morriem reported that she had checked with the Pickwick Lake State Park and they are set up to handle all the required options (ie: camping at their campground, RV setups at the same campground, hotel accommodations at the Pickwick Lodge, and cabin rentals) so it looks like an ideal site. The RAMS present at the meeting decided that this would be the best location for the 2021 RAMS Event.
- Those wishing to make reservations at the Lodge can contact Mary J. Mills or Diana Barker at 731-689-3135. Room Rates are $140.00 per night. Don't forget to ask for the "Geezer Rate" if applicable.
- Campground reservations (both tent and RV) may be made with whoever answers the phone at 731-689-3129. Campsites are $24.00 per night.
- The Date selected is October 1-3, 2021.
VP Corner
- VP wishes to encourage everyone to ride as much as you can. It is definitely a "socially distanced" activity.
Old Business.
- If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
- If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please get with Spencer.
For the Good of the Club
- Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. The Northeast Florida Rally (January 22-24, 2021) is still a go. It will be at a new location this year( the Camp Weed & Cervany Conference Center) which is about 5 miles from Live Oak, FL. Full information may be found at their web site (
- 2021 RAMS Officer Nominations:
President : No nominations at this time.
Vice President: Jimmy Smith - Nominated by Haavi Morriem and seconded Art Manchester.
Secretary/Treasurer: Spencer Bennett - Nominated by Art Manchester and seconded by Paul Whitworth
- Note on the 2021 Officers Election. We need to have a President and Vice-President for the RAMS to operate as they should. The current Secretary/Treasurer will be continuing in that position (if approved at the January Meeting) but it would be difficult for one person to run the organization.
- 2021 Dues are due on January 1, 2021 and may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website.
- The January 2021 RAMS Meeting will be held on January 9 2021 :
Location: Rock N Dough Pizza
1769 North Germantown Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016
Tel: 901-759-9883
This is the former location of Fox Ridge Pizza on Germantown Rd.
Lunch will be at 1200 and the meeting will be at 1 pm.
Your Hosts will be: The Manchester Family
There may be a ZOOM Meeting set up instead of or in conjunction with this meeting, depending on the Covid situation in January. If there is a ZOOM Meeting set up you will receive an email with the link.
- Butch Turner was the Winner of the RAMS Christmas Spirit Contest and a $50.00 Gift Certificate generously donated by Marvin Siano of Performance Plus BMW. Butch's winning entry was a photo of Fred Bradly in a Santa Suit on his sidecar. The Judges ruling was that the submitter wins, and Fred had another entry.
- Art Manchester reported that the Memphis in May Tri-Athlon is likely going to occur this year. It will be at Shelby Farms and the Professional Race will be on Saturday this year rather than the usual Sunday. Pam Routh and the folks at the Tri-Athlon wished the RAMS a Merry Christmas and there will be more information coming soon.
8.If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to:
Treasurer's report:
- Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7559.31
- Petty cash = $ 50.00
- Expenses this month:
Zoom = $16.04
MOA Charter Renewal = $15.00
Move to adjourn: Haavi Morriem
Second: Dave Kintzle
Vote: Unanimous