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August 2020 RAMS Meeting Minutes

August 2020 Meeting Minutes
Spencer Bennett

The meeting was called to order by President Art Manchester IV on August 8, 2020 at 1:05 pm via the Zoom Conferencing Web Application. There were 14 RAMS and many motorcycles present (at the various members homes).

Call to order:

1. We have one new member for this month.

The new member is Pradeep Nagaraju who lives in Collierville, TN and rides a 2020 R1250 GSA.

2. We currently have 72 new and returning members for 2020.

3. There was one guest for the meeting.  Doreen Averitt who was the guest of Paul Rhodes.

4. Donut Volunteers are still needed for 2020.  Watch for the email on when we can restart this monthly event.

5. Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett who choreographed the web set up.

New Business:

1. The matter of a club "ride in" camp out was discussed  and it was agreed that anyone who would like to set one up could communicate it via email to the RAMS List. Suggested locations for the camp out were :  Pickwick State Park Campground, Natchez Trace State Park, Michael Harts Hartwoods Campground, or anywhere else someone might suggest.

2. The matter of the 2021 RAMS Rally location was discussed with several members having ideas about alternate sites.  Our present contract with PCRV is up this year so it would be a good time to move if someone is willing to take on the project.  After a bit of discussion, and a commitment by Paul Rhodes to visit any proposed sites, the matter was tabled until the September Meeting.


RAMS Rally Update:

1. Paul Rhodes/ Steve Clark are Rally Co-Chairs for 2020.

2. There was no RAMS Rally news for this month.


VP’s Corner:

  1. Paul Whitworth suggested that the members get out and ride if they can, either alone or in small groups.  He mentioned that the Lavinia Sunday Morning Breakfast is currently going on each Sunday at 0800, and that the Marshall Steakhouse near Holly Springs has outdoor dining that may be more attractive once the Summer weather lets up. Rose-Anne Bennett presented a short video showing the outdoor area at Marshall Steak House.

Old Business:

  1.  If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
  2.  If you would like a RAMS patch (old logo only), decal (old and new logos) or need business cards please get with Spencer.

For the Good of the Club:

  1.  Check RAMS website for rally schedules for other Club’s Rallies. Please notethat many of the scheduled Rallies (including the MOA National) have been
    cancelled or rescheduled so please double check to be sure an event is stillgoing on before you head out.
  2. It is time to consider throwing your hat in the ring for the 2021 RAMS Officers Elections. Please consider serving in one of the three officer positions.  The incumbents will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about the duties of their position.
  3. The September 2020 RAMS Meeting will be held on September 12, 2020 at:

TBD (most likely on-line)

Social time will be at 1230 and the meeting will be at 1 pm.

4. If you have an item you would like to see in the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the             next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to:

Treasurer’s Report:

1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7735.55

2. Petty Cash = $50.00

3. No unusual expenses for this month.

4. Recovered deposit of $400.00 for the RAMS tent at the 2020 BMW MOA Nationals.

5. All pre-registrations for the 2020 RAMS Rally have been refunded.


Movement to adjourn: Paul Rhodes
Second: Haavi Morriem
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn