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April 2021 Meeting Minutes

RAMS April Meeting Minutes

April 17, 2021


Call to Order at 1:10 pm by RAMS President Greg LieVan at Village Creek State Park, Campsite 10.

There were 29 RAMS and 20 motorcycles present for the Meeting.

1. We have two new members for this month.

Drew Morton who lives in Germantown, TN and rides an R1250 RT.

Ted Piazza who lives in Trenton, TN and rides an R1200 RT.

2. We have 64 new and returning members for 2021.

3. Guest introductions? Harlen Brown and two of his friends from Iowa were guest but I failed to get their names.

4. Thanks to Meeting Host: Spencer & Rose-Anne Bennett

New Business 

1. RAMS Donut Saturday at Performance Plus was discussed and President Greg LieVan stated that Marvin Siano was good with restarting the Last Saturday Morning of the Month event.  After some discussion it was decided that this was a good time to get this back on track.  Donuts at Performance Plus this month will be April 24, opening time until the donuts are gone, at Performance Plus.


2. A group ride to the MOA Nationals in Great Falls was brought up and seemed to generate very little interest.  Anyone who may be interested in organizing or participating in such a ride please contact the Secretary/Treasurer and he will keep a list and put interested parties in contact.

 Rally News

No Rally news.  Haavi Morriem reminded everyone that reservations need to be made for the Pickwick Lake Campout the weekend of October1-3, 2021.  This is in place of the RAMS Rally.

VP Corner

VP Jimmie Smith thanked everyone who showed up for the ride to the April Meeting.  Several people commented that he had laid out a very good route and they appreciated it.


Old Business.

1. If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.


2.  If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please get with Spencer.


For the Good of the Club


1. Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules.  Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled due to State or local Covid situations.


2. John McWhorter has Covid Masks with assorted BMW Emblems (or BDU) available for $10 each.  He also has a friend looking for a BMW Motorcycle, so if you have something for sale, please let him know.


3. Butch & Nancy Turner have their Leisure Lite Camping Trailer for sale for $1500.  This pulls behind a motorcycle very well and works great for two very close people.


4. Teresa Craig has a motorcycle luggage trailer for sale.  It was pulled by a K1600 but is light and could be pulled by almost any motorcycle.


5. 2021 Dues were due on January 1, 2021 and may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website.


6. The May 2021 RAMS Meeting will be held on May 8, 2021:

The location is as yet undetermined.  Watch your email for the location when it becomes available.


7. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix.  Send the information to:



Treasurer's report:

  1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7687.07
  2. Petty cash = $ 50.00
  3. Expenses this month:

Zoom = $22.04

Greg LieVan had a drawing for the Meeting Door Prize which was the Book “Zero below Zero” about cold testing a Zero Electric Motorcycle in Duluth, MN.  The winner was Charlie Bishop.

Move to adjourn:  John McWhorter

Second:   Haavi Morriem

Vote: Unanimous