October 2024 Meeting Minutes

Quote from Spencer Bennett on October 17, 2024, 12:55 pmOctober 6, 2024
Call to Order at 9:00 am by President Greg LieVan at Campsite 48 of the Below the Dam Campground at Pickwick Lake, TN.
18 RAMS and 10 Bikes present.
- We have 2 new members for this month.
Gary Daniel who lives in Arlington, TN and rides a C400X.
Ron Tucker who lives in Collierville, TN and rides a K1600 GTL.
2.We have 56 new and returning members for 2024.
3.We had no guests this month:
- Thanks to Meeting Host: Spencer & Rosey Bennett
New Business
- Falling Leaf Rally is next weekend (October 11-13, 2024). Spencer will be leading a groupd departing from the West Memphis/I 40 Rest Stop at 0800 on Friday, October 11.
- A motion was made to move the 2025 Fall Campout to the Paris Landing State Park Campground. Herb Anderson and Bryan Leonard reported on their visit to the Campground and after a significant discussion and Q&A. A vote was called and the moving to Paris Landing for next year was approved. Bryan and Herb will go over to the park and rent six sites (42 & 1-5) for the first weekend in October, 2025. NOTE: When Bryan and Herb went over to rent the campsites on Monday following the meeting they discovered that someone had rented the entire campground for the first weekend in October, so after a brief consultation among the club officers present, it was decided to move the RAMS 2025 Fall Campout to the last week of September (September 26-28, 2025). We will have 6 campsites and Camping Cabins are available in the campground (2 night minimum).
- The nominations for RAMS 2025 Officers were opened and the following nominations were made:
President : Greg Lievan Nominated by Bryan Leonard, Second by Spencer Bennett
Vice President :
Secretary/Treasurer :
`There being no further nominations at this time, the Nominations were closed until the November Meeting.
RAMS Activities:
- The currently scheduled potential RAMS riding event are:
Barber Vintage Festival
October 11-13, 2024
Leeds, AL.
49th Falling Leaf Rally
October 11 to 13, 2024
Garrison’s River Resort
Steelville, MO.
2025 RAMS Fall Campout
First Weekend in October 2025.
Anything else you may want to schedule.
VP Corner
Herb Anderson asked that someone volunteer to lead a ride from Memphis to Drifter's Diner in Lavinia, TN for the November Meeting. Anyone interested in taking this on, please let the RAMS Officers know and we will put out the word to all members.
Herb is also interested in determining if there would be any interest in developing some after meeting programs (trip reports, maintenance hints, history presentations, etc.) to be given in conjunction with the RAMS monthly meeting? If you have an interest, let him know.
Old Business.
- If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
- If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please see Spencer.
For the Good of the Club
- Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled.
- 2025 Dues are $25.00 and are due on January 1, 2025. They may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website.
- Ray Moss made a report on MOA activities relating to the June 2025 Natinal Rally to be held at Lebanon, TN. The MOA is working to make the rally more of a "Club Reunion" event and will be planning some activites with this in mind. He also said that the BMW Roundel is now available for use by Chartered Clubs and the MOA will now host web sites for those Chartered Clubs needing that service. He reported the " M-Fest" authority bike event will be sponsored by the MOA and will be returning to Lebanon. The Nashville Club is looking into sponsoring a c0-rally along with the "M Fest".
Meeting Hosts and Locations for rest of this year and next year:
November – Paul Rhodes
December - Haavi Morriem
February -
March -
April - Spencer & Rosey Bennett
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -
4. The November RAMS Meeting will be held on November 9, 2024. Location is:
Drifter's Diner
76 Arsenal Lane
Lavinia, TN.
Lunch at 1200 with Meeting to follow at 1 pm. There may be a ride for the Memphis folks, so watch your email. (Looking for a ride leader.)
Host: Paul Rhodes
5. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to: officers@bmwrams.com
Treasurer's report:
- Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $5117.75
- Petty Cash = $50.00
- Expenses this month:
Donuts at the Dealer = $30.71
Move to adjourn: Bryan Leonard
Second: Spencer Bennett
Vote : Unanimous to adjourn
October 6, 2024
Call to Order at 9:00 am by President Greg LieVan at Campsite 48 of the Below the Dam Campground at Pickwick Lake, TN.
18 RAMS and 10 Bikes present.
- We have 2 new members for this month.
Gary Daniel who lives in Arlington, TN and rides a C400X.
Ron Tucker who lives in Collierville, TN and rides a K1600 GTL.
2.We have 56 new and returning members for 2024.
3.We had no guests this month:
- Thanks to Meeting Host: Spencer & Rosey Bennett
New Business
- Falling Leaf Rally is next weekend (October 11-13, 2024). Spencer will be leading a groupd departing from the West Memphis/I 40 Rest Stop at 0800 on Friday, October 11.
- A motion was made to move the 2025 Fall Campout to the Paris Landing State Park Campground. Herb Anderson and Bryan Leonard reported on their visit to the Campground and after a significant discussion and Q&A. A vote was called and the moving to Paris Landing for next year was approved. Bryan and Herb will go over to the park and rent six sites (42 & 1-5) for the first weekend in October, 2025. NOTE: When Bryan and Herb went over to rent the campsites on Monday following the meeting they discovered that someone had rented the entire campground for the first weekend in October, so after a brief consultation among the club officers present, it was decided to move the RAMS 2025 Fall Campout to the last week of September (September 26-28, 2025). We will have 6 campsites and Camping Cabins are available in the campground (2 night minimum).
- The nominations for RAMS 2025 Officers were opened and the following nominations were made:
President : Greg Lievan Nominated by Bryan Leonard, Second by Spencer Bennett
Vice President :
Secretary/Treasurer :
`There being no further nominations at this time, the Nominations were closed until the November Meeting.
RAMS Activities:
- The currently scheduled potential RAMS riding event are:
Barber Vintage Festival
October 11-13, 2024
Leeds, AL.
49th Falling Leaf Rally
October 11 to 13, 2024
Garrison’s River Resort
Steelville, MO.
2025 RAMS Fall Campout
First Weekend in October 2025.
Anything else you may want to schedule.
VP Corner
Herb Anderson asked that someone volunteer to lead a ride from Memphis to Drifter's Diner in Lavinia, TN for the November Meeting. Anyone interested in taking this on, please let the RAMS Officers know and we will put out the word to all members.
Herb is also interested in determining if there would be any interest in developing some after meeting programs (trip reports, maintenance hints, history presentations, etc.) to be given in conjunction with the RAMS monthly meeting? If you have an interest, let him know.
Old Business.
- If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
- If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please see Spencer.
For the Good of the Club
- Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled.
- 2025 Dues are $25.00 and are due on January 1, 2025. They may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website.
- Ray Moss made a report on MOA activities relating to the June 2025 Natinal Rally to be held at Lebanon, TN. The MOA is working to make the rally more of a "Club Reunion" event and will be planning some activites with this in mind. He also said that the BMW Roundel is now available for use by Chartered Clubs and the MOA will now host web sites for those Chartered Clubs needing that service. He reported the " M-Fest" authority bike event will be sponsored by the MOA and will be returning to Lebanon. The Nashville Club is looking into sponsoring a c0-rally along with the "M Fest".
Meeting Hosts and Locations for rest of this year and next year:
November – Paul Rhodes
December - Haavi Morriem
February -
March -
April - Spencer & Rosey Bennett
May -
June -
July -
August -
September -
October -
November -
December -
4. The November RAMS Meeting will be held on November 9, 2024. Location is:
Drifter's Diner
76 Arsenal Lane
Lavinia, TN.
Lunch at 1200 with Meeting to follow at 1 pm. There may be a ride for the Memphis folks, so watch your email. (Looking for a ride leader.)
Host: Paul Rhodes
5. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to: officers@bmwrams.com
Treasurer's report:
- Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $5117.75
- Petty Cash = $50.00
- Expenses this month:
Donuts at the Dealer = $30.71
Move to adjourn: Bryan Leonard
Second: Spencer Bennett
Vote : Unanimous to adjourn