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October 2020 RAMS Meeting Minutes

October 2020 RAMS Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by President Art Manchester IV on October 10, 2020 at 1:08 pm via the Zoom Conferencing Web Application. There were 12 RAMS in attendance.

1. We have no new members for this month.

2. We currently have 73 new and returning members for 2020.

3. Haavi's pooch, Rusty, was the only guest at the meeting.

4. Don't know when the monthly Donut Saturday at Performance Plus will restart.

5. Thanks to Meeting Host: Rose-Anne Bennett who choreographed the web set up.

New Business:

1. There are new owners at the Parkers Crossroads RV Park effective October 1, 2020.  The new owners, Bill and Julie, met with the Secretary/Treasurer on Sunday morning after the "no host" campout and expressed that they hoped to continue the relationship we have with the current owners.  They agreed to meet with the usual January RAMS Delegation to set up the 2021 Rally as our contract expires this year.  The 2021 Officers and Rally Chair will meet with them in late January to set prices and go over other issues for the RAMS Rally.



RAMS Rally Update:

1. The question was asked by the President. "What kid of Rally do we want to have?

  • Do we want a Traditional Rally. with all of the attendant bells and whistles (door prizes, meals, bike shows, awards, coffee, etc)?
  • Do we want a simple, no host, no frills campout with everyone paying their own way such as we had with the "no host" campout this past month? Examples were the Doo-Dah Sidecar Rally and the Wilderness Rally.  (As a side comment, both of these events are sponsored by RAMS Members who do put in a good deal of work to make sure everything goes smoothly.  They are easier for most attendees but no necessarily for the sponsors.)  This could be done at PCRV or at another location.
  •  Do we want a RAMS Group Campout at some location such as the Barber Vintage Festival?  Or even at another Rally such as Falling Leaf?

2.  There was a spirited discussion on the issue, with many of the members in attendance feeling that "simpler is better" and that the best answer to the Rally Questions asked above would be to do a simple, no frills rally for next year and then maybe go back to the bigger rally format.   This "pausing" of the RAM Rally would allow us time to make a more measured decision and let us see how we  like the simpler format.  This issue will be on the November Meeting Agenda for discussion by the membership and you are encouraged to attend that meeting to get your opinion heard.  We will need to work out what we are going to do before the January Meeting with the PCRV Owners so the Officers know what to negotiate.


VP’s Corner:

1. Paul Whitworth suggested that the members get out and ride if they can, either alone or in small groups.

Old Business:

1.  If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.

2.  If you would like a RAMS patch (old logo only), decal (old and new logos) or need business cards please get with Spencer.

For the Good of the Club:

1.  Check RAMS website for rally schedules for other Club’s Rallies. Please note that many of the scheduled Rallies have been cancelled or rescheduled so please double check to be sure an event is still going on before you head out.

2. The 2020 RAMS Officer Elections are coming.  The current President and Vice-President have stated that they will not be running for re-election in 2021.  The Secretary/Treasurer (Spencer Bennett) will be running for re-election but cannot do the jobs of the President and Vice-President in addition to his current position. Simply put, if no one steps up for these offices, there will likely not be much of a RAMS Organization after the January Meeting.  If you have some issues with the RAMS that keep you from serving, this is the time to bring them out in the open, possibly at the November Meeting, and get them resolved.  If you have no issues, but just don't want to serve, be aware that this is a member organization that will not be able to function without someone doing these jobs.

3. The November 2020 RAMS Meeting will be held on November 14, 2020 at:

Chickasaw State Park, Pavilion 1

20 Cabin Lane
Henderson, TN 38340

GPS : 35.3931, -88.7725

Paul Rhodes will be the Host for the meeting.

This State Park is located off of Highway 100 between Bolivar and Henderson, TN.

Lunch will be bring your own and we will try to maintain social distancing while generation some fellowship and giving most of us an excuse to go for a ride.

Lunch will begin at 1200 and the meeting will be at 1 pm.

The decision to have an "in person" meeting for November was made in an "after meeting" amongst the membership present at the October Zoom meeting.  It was brought up that the principle reason for this organization was to interact with other folks who share our interests and we just haven't been doing much of that lately (Thanks Haavi Morriem).  After some discussion, it was decided that we needed to try and correct this, and the best way to do this was to have an in person meeting, and that led to the venue at Chickasaw as it is outdoors, has covered space, parking, and rest rooms, and is a reasonable ride for most of our members.

4.  The 2020 RAMS Christmas Party is coming up and we need to decide if it will be:

Virtual via Zoom?

Hosted at someone's Home?

Held in a public venue?

This will be discussed at the November Meeting.

5.  We need a host/location for the January RAMS Meeting.  This will be the election meeting so it is usually one of the larger ones.  If you have any ideas please bring        them to the November Meeting.

6. If you have an item you would like to see in the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to:

Treasurer’s Report:

1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $7663.46.

2. Petty Cash = $50.00

3. Expenses for this month.

TN Business License = $20.00

Zoom = $16.04

Firewood for Campout = $87.50.



Movement to adjourn: Art Manchester IV

Second: Paul Rhodes
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn

Sorry I couldn't attend, but I would like to post my viewpoint:

I have been involved in several clubs (GWRRA, HOG, etc). I've been a chapter director for GWRRA in one of the biggest/most active chapters in Georgia at that time. Here's what I see in all of them. A club starts out as a social gathering. One president brings in excitement with an event. The next president adds to that. etc... The membership expects this snowballing affect to continue every year. Thus, the events get out of control and become a fulltime job for the handful of staff that are doing all the work. They get burned out and step down. New staff volunteer to help out. The membership expects the same events to happen, but very few step up to help out. And, the cycle repeats itself.

Look around, all events have been down for all clubs (GW, HOG, etc.). If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting the same results.

Why not consider going back to simpler times with just a social gathering? If members want to lead a ride or other event they can step up. But, just because one person wants a full blown rally, there shouldn't be an expectation set upon other members to work it or have that same commitment. We have our bikes to ride. We work full time at regular jobs. Bikes are to be enjoyed, not a second job.

I like a monthly gathering to socialize (when I'm in town). This is a great group of people! I enjoy talking bikes and trips that others have done. I don't need anything more. Meeting at a park picnic table and socializing would be fine with me. It's about the people, not the events!

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Spencer Bennett