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November 2024 Meeting Minutes

Please note that this month's Meeting Minutes were taken by Paul Whitworth as I was out of town for an Anniversary trip.  Thank you Paul for filling in for me!

November 9, 2024

Call to Order at 1:00 pm by President Greg LieVan at Drifter's Diner in Lavinia, TN. 

14 RAMS and 5 Bikes present.

  1. We have no new members for this month.

2.We have 56 new and returning members for 2024.

3.We had 2 guests this month:

Kathy Baker who was Bruce Ottways Guest.

Mary Cole who was Paul Rhodes Guest.

  1. Thanks to Meeting Host: Paul Rhodes


New Business


  1. Haavi Morriem is working with the Triathlon Sponsor to get the stipend they used to pay us for working the Triathlons reinstated.  Some have used this to pay their dues in the past,  and if  you worked any of the Triathlons this year please let the Secretary/Treasurer know so you can get credit if this works out.
  2. The nominations for RAMS 2025 Officers were opened and the following nominations were made:

President : Greg Lievan     Nominated by Bryan Leonard, Second by Spencer Bennett

Vice President :

Secretary/Treasurer :

`There being no further nominations at this time, the Nominations were closed until the December Meeting.


RAMS Activities:

  1. The currently scheduled potential RAMS riding events are:

Olde Bike Club Polar Bear Ride

January 1, 2025

Usually departs from the Shell Station at Germantown Rd. and Stage Rd/Hiway 64 with departure around 0900.  Watch your email for details.


Northeast Florida Rally

January 17-19, 2025

Camp Weed/Cerveny Conference Center

Live Oak , FL.  (Web site of the BMW Owners of Northeast Florida for full information.)


Daytona Bike Week

February 28- March 9, 2025

Daytona Beach, FL.


2025 RAMS Fall Campout

First Weekend in October 2025.


Anything else you may want to schedule.



VP Corner

Herb Anderson brought some riding boots for George McQueen but George did not show up to claim them.

Old Business.

  1. If anyone still does not have their picture in the online directory, please see Spencer or Rosey.
  2. If you would like a RAMS Patch (old Logo only), decal (old and new Logos) or need RAMS business cards, please see Spencer.


For the Good of the Club

  1. Check RAMS Website for other Club’s Rally Schedules. Please follow up on each event’s web site as some may be rescheduled or cancelled.
  2. 2025 Dues are $25.00 and are due on January 1, 2025.  They may be paid either by Cash or Check to the Secretary/Treasurer or via PayPal or Credit Card on the RAMS Website.
  3. Butch Turner made a motion, seconded by Bruce Ottway, that the RAMS make Spencer Bennett a Lifetime Member.  After discussion, the motion was approved unanimously.  Thank you to the RAMS for this honor.(from Spencer)



Meeting Hosts and Locations for rest of this year and next year:

December - Haavi Morriem



February -

March - 

April - Spencer & Rosey Bennett

May - 

June - 

July - 

August - 

September - 

October - 

November - 

December - 


4. The December RAMS Meeting will be held on December14, 2024.  Location is:

Haavi Morreim’s Home

8343 Stavanger Cv

Memphis, TN 38018

Phone: 901-755-7479

This will be the RAMS Christmas Party and December Meeting and will begin at 6 pm with a pot luck dinner (Entre furnished by the RAMS).  Meeting to follow and a “Sneaky Santa” Gift Exchange (gifts of $25 or less).  Contact Haavi to see what sides are needed.


Host is: Haavi Morriem



5. If you have an item you would like to see on the next meeting agenda, please get it to the Secretary by the Wednesday prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next meeting agenda. This is not required for an item to be discussed, but it will make sure it gets in the mix. Send the information to:


Treasurer's report:

  1. Balance in Bank plus petty cash = $4785.76
  2. Petty Cash = $50.00
  3. Expenses this month:

Donuts at the Dealer = $30.19

Fall Campout Rentals = $370.80

Dreamhost = $6.00


Move to Adjourn: Bryan Leonard

Vote: Unanimous